Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thomas Jefferson was right... we need a revolution every 50 years

   I am so completely disgusted with our "Congress" that I am ready to fire them all and replace them with people whose names have been drawn from a hat.  I mean, think about it.  What harm could it do?  Even the mentally disabled could do a better job of husbanding our resources than the bozos in Washington now.

   If they allow our nation to be globally humiliated by a default, they better not show their faces to their constituents ever again.  You remember the concept of constituents, I assume... the people the bozos are supposed to represent and protect.  Congress doesn't seem to have much of a memory of the concept.

   I want to know how this present Congress can be said to be representative.  Where are the businessmen, the educators, the doctors and scientists?  Where are women, who make up 51% of the population but only 17% of Congress (17 /100 Senators, 74 /434 representatives)?  Where are the social workers, the sales clerks, the manufacturers?  In a population of 124 million workers, only 6% are lawyers, but 45% of Congressmen are lawyers.  Where are the young people?  The median age of the US population is 32.9 years.  For Congress, the median is 53 years.  Where are the African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Pacific and other groups that make up respectively 12%, 9%  and 3% of the population (24% in total), while Congress is 87% white males?

  We should fire them all immediately. Failing that, we should repeal their right to set their own wages.  Force them to use the same health care system the rest of the country must endure.  Slash their pensions- put that money back into Social Security and take Social Security out the general funds.  AND DO NOT PAY THEM FOR THIS TERM!  The lazy do-nothings owe us ALL their back wages.  And while I do not agree with Dick the butcher (Henry VI Part 2 Act 4, scene 4 71-78) that we should "First, kill all the lawyers, I DO agree with the following quotations.

"The people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution".   Abraham Lincoln

"The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets".  

"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as
 when the baby gets hold of a hammer".
Will Rogers

"Congress: Bingo with billions".  
Red Skelton

"We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money".   
 David Crockett

"You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think".  
Milton Berle

"Being elected to Congress is regarded as being sent on a looting raid for one's friends".       
  George Will

"Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it".   Cullen Hightower

"Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else". 
 Bobby Jindal

"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.
But I repeat myself".  

"There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress".  
 Mark Twain

And now, representing thinking women everywhere...

I say throw the buggers out. 
Kate Lapczynski


Anonymous said...

It is interesting that your quotes seem to all come from Republicans. I find this surprising about you since I know you must certainly believe in evolution and climate change - neither of which seem to be endorsed by any Republicans I have heard speak. In addition, I think I have heard you have state the same theory as I have that homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time but people like Michele Bachman's husband get fedral funding for counseling the gay out of gays or some such rubbish. Many of these crackpot tea baggers who are bringing our country to the brink of financial disaster are from the areas you mention. Few have any legal understanding whatsoever and admit they are only there for one term to cause as much trouble as possible. If your leanings are towards the Republican proposals then I have to suppose that you endorse the tax breaks for the wealthy and these ridiculous pledges the Republican have signed to not raise taxes. How can we ever support needed programs like schools without the revenue to do so? I do agree with cutting the pay and benefits of legislators!

Kate said...

I am so politically ignorant I didn't even know that most of the quotes I chose come from Republicans. In my opinion, the last good Republican was Abraham Lincoln. I cannot say I find much common ground with the Republican party. I do agree with the statements of the individuals I chose to quote, regardless of their politics. I have a masters in biology and fully support the theory of evolution as well as the natural occurence of homosexuality and firmly believe that the current batch of Republicans have done everything in their power to subvert the Constitution and to destroy public education. That does not make me a Democrat, however. I am an independant. I wish more people were.

Anonymous said...

George Will is on This Week each Sunday morning at 8:00am on ABC. My hubby got excited when he saw him the first time since GW is a baseball authority of some note. Then he opened his mouth about politics, lol. Bobby Jindal is the Repub governor of LA and did the response to the State of the Union address a couple of years ago. He had the same puppet, deer-in-the-headlights look and speech pattern of GWB. Maybe it is the written word that suits both of these guys best. I do love Abe, Will, and Red and I agree that independent is the way to go these days since both major parties seem more concerned with who gets the blame or credit. I honestly believe the Repubs and extreme left Dems would rather see our country go completely under before letting the other side "win".

Bob said...

Amen Kate..Keep Preaching..some may come to understand. Bob Jernigan