Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oh, frabjous day!!

In just four short days, on Friday, May 27th, two wonderful things will happen.

The first is the 77th birthday of Dave's mother. Mama is like a kid on her birthday, so we will do it up right. Balloons, cake, presents, birthday hat, the whole nine yards.

The second is that it is the last day of school for the Goonies! Oh, frabjous day! I get to see Emily, the Amazing Perpetual Motion Baby, several times a week while I am in town, but I don't get to see Kendall (AKA Rangy Lil, age 10), Haley (AKA Noodle, age 8) or Delaney (AKA Pixie Dixie, just turned 6) anywhere near as often or for as long as I would like. It's all because of school. Damnable school. While I believe in education, I really hate school because it separates grandchildren from their grandmother. It tires them, and gives them homework, and makes it impossible for grandmothers to kidnap them on a week night and have some fun. My goonies go away on the weekends- Kendall and Haley to their mother, Delaney to her grandmother- which leaves me goonieless on the weekends as well. I now live for vacations, and summer vacation begins on FRIDAY, MAY 27!! I am going to get them en masse, and one on one- I am going to throw them in the pool, and do arts and crafts, and build tents, and go parading and I can't wait. I don't expect to see them everyday- just everyday I am in town. And some nights, too! I anticipate sleepovers and makeovers and staying up late to watch movies and eat popcorn. I used to say, when they were little, that I was their favorite toy. That's not true anymore. They are growing up and away from me, faster than I am prepared to accept, of course. "That's what kids do," Haley said, wisely, "they grow and change." But summer turns back time. If I can be a kid again, so can they :)

FOOTNOTE FOR JAKE: BUCKETS and BUCKETS of kudos to you for figuring out how to finesse the writing challenge. Now, can we move on? :)

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