Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The friendly skies..

This morning, I was awakened at 4:30 AM to prepare for the hour and some drive to the airport in Nashville with my hubby. About a year ago, I took an unpaid leave of absence from my teaching position to travel and be with Dave the two weeks (sometimes more) of every month that he is in San Diego for his job. The other two weeks we are supposed to be together in Tullahoma, but we seldom are- I stay home with his aging mother and he goes to New York on business, Houston on business, Milwaukee, England. If I don't travel with him to California, I don't see him. Today, however, we are not traveling together. Yes, he is going to San Diego. I, however, am going to Michigan to stay with my baby brother Paddy, who is also ailing, but a hell of a lot more fun than Dave's mother. Dave and I sat in comfortble silence together waiting for our respective planes. I will be home on the 21st. He will be home on the 26th. We will spend Easter with Mama and then back to San Diego, together this time. When I was a child, my grandmother used to caution me to watch out for gypsies- and now I have become one.

1 comment:

Kel said...

A) Your post published twice. Delete one from your "edit posts" page.

B) So when does this mean you'll actually see my play?