It is beautiful in San Diego today, if a bit warm. It feels weird being here after such a long absence. Coming into the apartment again after almost three months away was surprisingly pleasant- though my absence has emphasized the difference between tidy and clean. ( Well, it was clean enough; Dave did a pretty good job keeping on top of things, other than dusting, scrubbing tubs and toilets… We make a good team in a home; he is Mr. Tidy and I am Mrs. Clean. Between us, we keep a very nice house/apartment.
As nice as it is to be here, I realized quite quickly that all I had really missed in San Diego was my home office. I have a great office here, perfect in size, situation, and economically and functionally equipped. I have the perfect desk from Pottery Barn with a matching credenza- fabuloso! I have my easel and paints set up in the corner, a crafting table sitting perpendicular to the desk and still have ample space to dance and cavort. A wonderful abstract by my niece Melissa is on one wall, my diplomas on another, and pictures of my goonie girls on a third. The fourth wall is a bank of windows which are letting in a cool breeze as I type. A glorious citrus scent is on the air. I could live in this office and be happy.
We brought Mama with us this trip, and despite a terrible cold, she was quite the trooper on the flight out. She has been sick in bed since we got here, but I took her out for a little outing yesterday and she did very well. We went to Michael’s for craft supplies and then the Ruby’s Diner for lunch. Best shakes and club sandwiches on the planet! Seriously. Mama finished her shake, but her lunch, minus one bite, came home with us in a box. About a week from now, I will throw it into the trash. Sigh.
I am assiduously working on Christmas already, via the Internet. Two years ago, I did my entire Christmas shopping online. I loved it. I will do the majority of my shopping online again this year. I figure the shipping and handling can’t be worse than the cost of gas spent going from shop to shop. I am also working on birthday scrapbooks for Haley, who will be NINE on October 24th, and Emily, who will be two on November 3rd. God, they grow up fast.
I am enjoying being here, but I miss my dollhouse. (See previous posts). My good friend Yvonne is house-sitting for me while I am gone, and informs me that packages have arrived in my absence. I love packages. Several came just as we were leaving on Saturday, and it was all I could do to keep from opening them right then and there. Dave was impatiently tapping his foot… hell, he was stomping with impatience… so I passed on the pleasure of opening treasures.
Which, as it turns out, was a good thing. One more delay and we might never have gotten to San Diego. Why? Because I had a bad case of absent mind. Last Saturday will go down in the annals of my life as the DAY OF THE CONTINUAL BRAIN FARTS!
Yes, my brain farts. I am the queen of farts.
It started with my discovery, just as we were about to merge onto the Interstate, that I did not have my purse with me. Imagine Dave’s delight! We turned around, drove back home, and I went in to retrieve my purse, only to find that I had failed to lock the door when we’d left the first time. Once inside, I realized I had forgotten to pack my insulin, so I grabbed that and ran, because there was a good chance we were now going to miss our flight, and Dave was literally vibrating with frustration.
I did make sure the door was locked when I exited this time, but while driving to the airport in silence, I found myself wondering if I had left my bedroom window open. I wondered about it while sitting in the airport waiting for our plane (we made it- Dave set a new land speed record). I wondered about it on the cramped flight to Dallas. I wondered as we sat in DFW, the world’s most hateful airport, during our four hour flight delay. I wondered about it on the cab ride to the apartment. I emailed Yvonne to check it out for me, and sure enough, the window was wide open. Locked doors, open window- now that’s security! I wonder how I manage to survive sometimes. I am going to sit here quietly for a few days until the cerebral indigestion passes. Talk amongst yourselves until then.