Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Man, my soul is pretty damn ugly!

What your soul really looks like!

This is what the test has to say about me:
"You are a wanderer. You constantly long for a new adventure, challenge, or even a completely different life."
(Okay, I do like a bit of a change now and then. Fair cop).

"You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds."
(Alas, too true...but it's more fun in the clouds than in the living room with Mother).

"You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself."
(Okay, I should be full of someone OTHER than myself? Won't it get crowded in here?)

"Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing."
(Got to admit, NOW is pretty good so I would be very happy to see NEXT as much the same).

"For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust."
(Excuse me... who in their right mind COULD??)

All in all, a fair description of me. I just can't figure out how they put together that horrifically ugly room out of all this. Though, sadly, they may be on to something with the nose. I must go. Clouds are calling.

The Giant, by N. C. Wyeth

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Well fed... and well fed up

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for my many blessings, one of which is my wonderful daughter-in-law who hosted the holiday this year. Becca, her mama Gail and I collaborated on a feast that was over-the-top. Turkey (deep fried by Jake), ham, two kinds of dressing, potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli casserole, corn pudding, green bean casserole, fresh baked bread, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, chocolate pie. Becca has a huge kitchen, and she and Gail and I worked very well together in it. I really like Gail; she's a terrific person and a lot of fun. I love having the combined Thanksgiving at Becca's house. It was such a good day, the three of us cooking, kids in and out of the kitchen, the men tending the frier. Good stuff.

I got lots of affection from my grandaughters, and actually got an unsolicited kiss from Kendall! Funny how little things can make your heart sing. I had a great time watching Kendall, Haley, Delaney, and Becca's little brother Keaton (10) interact. Emily even climbed up into my lap with a book and let me read to her. Emily had a tough day today; she tried so hard to be one of the big kids and spent most of the day frustrated- LOUDLY frustrated. She was over-tired, over-stimulated, hungry and THREE, so her behavior is forgivable.

And then, there's Mama. Mama is not forgivable. Adults acting like three-year olds are neither attractive or amusing. She was as tempermental (if not as loud) as Emily all day. She refused to be in any room that had people in it, barely spoke even when spoken to, and moped through dinner, which she did not eat. She did, however, announce that she was not hungry because she had diarrhea, something everyone wants to hear mid-feast. Thank goodness Becca's family has experience with Mama.

Mama seems to think that being pathetic, pretending to be blind and deaf, and sighing heavily every few minutes is the way to win hearts. It just gives me heartburn. She's a sorry, crabbed little woman, but she is inventive. She finds a way to make herself the center of attention even if she has to announce her bodily functions to do it. Sigh.

By the way, Mama is starving herself to death again. She announces her intent to do this about every three months. She's says she's too fat. (Not). She says she's ready for the boneyard. (Maybe). Her stavation attempts usually coincide with some event that does not center on her. Of course, she doesn't really starve herself; she usually has enough food squirreled away in her room to feed half the state. Usually, but not always; her larder is empty at the moment, so she has no surreptious munchies to sustain her. She came home today after the Thanksgiving meal that she didn't eat and went straight to her room. Haven't heard from her in six hours or more. I know she is hungry. I also know she won't venture into the kitchen to eat something until I am in bed. So I am deliberatly staying up late. I can act like a three-year old, too.

I am SO looking forward to Christmas with Mama. Fortunately, I have a supplier for coal- tons of it- for her stocking. And a really big cork for her next bout of diarrhea - though, if she wasn't so full of shit, she probably wouldn't have the problem in the first place. :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New counter... not in my kitchen

Dear Constant Reader(s);
You may or may not have noticed that my blog looks slightly different. That's because, after moving to Beta, I have had to essentially rebuild the damn thing. Lost my links. Lost my counter. Couldn't figure out how to restore my counter. Finally just gave up and added a new counter, which, being new, reads 000000. At least it is pink. Of course, the minute I added the NEW counter, it came to me how to save the old one. Too late. I am always smart too late.

I know that as of five days ago, the last time I had statistics, there had been 3,924 hits to this site. Let's see how long it takes to get THAT kind of number again. Sigh.

It is nearing the end of the semester and I am slogging away at my genetics course. I have a wonderful group of students and have really enjoyed the teaching, but the prep has just about killed me. I have been building everything out of whole cloth. If I teach it again next fall, which I may or may not do, it will be a piece of cake, since I have spent ungodly amounts of time creating PowerPoints, hand-outs and tests, and designing lab exercises. All that will be ready for next fall... for whoever teaches it. I am a share bear.

Getting ready for turkey day. We are going to my son and daughter-in-law's for the feast, and it is going to be fun. Becca and I are all geared up to cook all day, her mama Gail is going to be right in there with us, and there will be kids running around, games on the TV, and crisp autumn breezes to chill the bones and make hot food just that much more delicious.

Here is my wish for us all as we count our innumerable blessings.

"May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that

has been given to you....

May you be content knowing you are a child of God...

Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom

to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.

Bless us all and those we love.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

See? Give me presents, I'm worth it!

Your Life Is Worth...


See, I told you I was good... look how Santa loves me!

Your Christmas is Most Like: Miracle on 34th Street

Sweet and caring, Christmas is about helping for you.

While Santa may not exist, you try to share his spirit.

Oh, I'm going to get presents, I have been so very, very good!

You Were Nice This Year!

You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list.

You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year.

Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good.

Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight?

Ah, sunny Spain

I spent six weeks in Madrid in 1966 on a summer scholarship to the University of Madrid. At that time, women were prohibited from attending that university except in the summer- hey, it was 40 years ago and Franco was not still dead at the time. I loved and love Spain and have always wanted to return there. So imagine my delight when I took a little quiz on my ideal European city and it turned out to be... Barcelona! I did not get to Barcelona all those many years ago, but think I will have to do that before I get too old to travel. I must brush up on my Spanish. Ole!

You Belong in Barcelona
When it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night.
Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picasso, eat some tapas, take a siesta, and then dance all night!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

DOWN WITH NOVEMBER! (and daylight savings time)

By my calculation, there are 16 clocks in my house, exclusive of the clocks that are bundled with appliances. Hey, I like clocks. I like the fact that even when I set them all for the exact same time AT the exact same time, they always give me different readings by the next day. I love that. Even time is open to interpretation. However, I do not like to have to reinterpret time twice every year to humor some demented legislative whim. Has ANYONE ever heard a reasonable rationale for daylight savings time? Now that we have fallen back during the short day portion of the year, and it is dark at 5 PM, might I suggest that we actually save some daylight during the summer and release it in the fall and winter so that we aren't living in darkness? And let us PLEASE do away with DST, the only function of which seems to be to ensure that our clocks are universally wrong twice a year.

Sigh. Forgive me. I am a bit cranky this time of year.

I really don't care for November.

Don't care much for February either.

November and February have ever so much in common. They are both cold, wet, dreary and depressing. Aside from the birthdays of several of my dearest, November has nothing to recommend it. Usually, I try to hibernate until November is over. It seems the only sensible thing to do. But NO... THIS November I have allowed myself to be put in the position of having to deal with November at least twice a week.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am basically a home-body. I like to keep my body in my home. All my stuff is here, there's food and drink, and it's full of comfy furniture, pretty pictures, art supplies and books. Why on earth would I want to leave? BUT, thanks to my dear friend Marcia, whom I blame entirely for my return to teaching, I had to leave the house today to go teach my genetics class. The weather was Novemberish; (see above, wet, cold, dreary, etc.) and so I was drenched by the time I got to the classroom. I love the smell of wet wool in the morning. My pants were wet half-way to the knee, so of course my feet were wet as well. Thank God the college is totally without heat, or I would have been perfectly miserable.

I miss October. October. Now there's a good month. Halloween was so much fun. I had LOTS of kids come to the door for candy and I met them in full witch regalia.

My ole college buddy Stacey showed up with a batch of little girls and it is always good to see her. My granddaughters showed up with two of their cousins, so my house was invaded by an Indian maiden (Emily), a princess (Delaney, of course), Spiderman (Kendrick), a baby witchling (Zoe)... and a hot dog and a bottle of ketchup (Haley and Kendall). Even Mama had a good time watching the kids come and go, and getting hugs from everyone who came in. It was the last time she was in a good mood, now that I think of it. I really love Halloween.

I really hate November.